Looking for Nothing – Arnold Borgerth

Looking for Nothing

From my perspective as an artist, Looking for Nothing is about offering an organic alternative to the conventional way in which most photographic work is conceived, produced, and shown. Instead of being based on a clear concept which defines what the work is about Looking for Nothing has been produced and conceived through a visually guided approach that uses the images themselves as the starting point.
It’s the experience of looking at the images that develops the concept and its rationale, not the other way around.
I experiment with different ways in which the images can be sequenced and observe the image-to-image dialogues that occur as the sequence changes. It is this process that reveals what these images mean to me and what links them together as a group. So the concept is born.
At a personal level, Looking for Nothing is about stepping away from the constant connectivity demanded by the contemporary culture which effectively reduces our capacity to fully connect with our non-virtual existence. It is about giving myself the freedom to simply look and engage with the experience of observing and thinking about what I am looking at.
Looking for Nothing is a visual account of my interactions with the world, it is about existing and coexisting with what I see as life unfolds around me.

Arnold Borgerth
Margate, May 2024

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